1 in 6 Aussies have arthritis.
That’s a lot of people! Just because arthritis is common, it doesn’t mean it affects everyone in the same way.
What IS arthritis?
If you break down the word “arthritis”, it means “joint inflammation”. This is a common characteristic of arthritis, but it isn’t the whole story. Some people don’t experience any swelling or inflammation in their joints. In other cases, it’s not just the joints that are affected. Skin, eye and gut problems can also be linked to arthritis.
Types of arthritis
The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, or OA. OA is considered to be mostly linked to joint damage from injury, but other causes are being explored in research. Sometimes, the joint damage is caused by gradual forces (often called “wear and tear”), and sometimes it’s from a traumatic injury. Other types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis (RA), polymyalgia rheumatica, systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) and ankylosing spondylitis. The Arthritis Australia website lists all the conditions considered to be under the umbrella of “arthritis”.
What can I do to help arthritis?
Every type of arthritis will benefit from seeing a physio. While there isn’t a cure for arthritis, per se, physios can help you get the best out of your joint. Together we can work out the best way to reduce pain, strengthen your joint, prevent further loss of function and to continue doing the activities you love, for as long as possible.