It’s only fair to let gyms open when pubs and clubs are open too. I know what I have been missing the most!
As with any change in activity, it is super important that you pace yourself with your return to the gym. No-one should expect to be able to lift the same weights at the same intensity as when they left the gym, even if they have been training at home during lockdown.
Pace your return:
Leave one or two days between each workout so you can fully assess the effect on your body. Maybe do some yoga or go for a walk on the other days so you can stay active.
Reduce your weights and intensity:
Various sources have suggested around a 25-30% drop in how heavy you lift on return. Also, consider lifting your weights slower and doing fewer reps in total.
Don’t lose your form:
This is evergreen advice for the gym. Always make sure you are performing your exercise well. If you are losing form – meaning that you can’t perform the exercise with co-ordination and control – then it’s time to stop! You might need to reduce your weight, work out slower, or get some help from a professional.
Most of all: have fun getting back in there!