Sport is a major part of Australian life. About 90% of Aussie adults participate in physical activity. With Australian temperatures often exceeding 35-40°C, there is an increased risk of heat related illness. Exercising in hot weather can be challenging! But with the right precautions, you can stay safe and maintain performance. Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) […]
Tennis elbow
o What is it Tennis elbow, is a one of the more common injuries we see in the clinic. About 40% of people will experience the condition at some point in their life. It is most commonly seen in the 35-55 year age group. Tennis elbow usually occurs following extensive repetitive activity. It’s can cause […]
World Sleep Day
Whether you are recovering from an injury, have just completed a big event, or have just had a busy day at work, getting a good sleep one of the most crucial elements of recovery! As physiotherapists, we recognise the pivotal role that sleep plays in the maintenance of your health. So we want to be […]
Whiplash and Physiotherapy
Whiplash is a type of neck injury that is caused by a sudden, forceful movement of the head. It is most often caused by a rear-end car accidents, but can also be caused by other types of accidents, such as falls or sports injuries. The symptoms of whiplash can vary from person to person, but […]
Osteoarthritis and Exercise.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is form of arthritis which often impacts the hips and knees. Most people diagnosed with it will experience pain and stiffness in the affected joint. But, the news is not all bad. One of the best forms of treatment for OA is EXERCISE! Even though it may be the last thing you want […]
What to do if you hurt yourself? Give yourself peace and love! (ie, not RICE!)
One of the most commonly known acronyms in health and fitness has to be “RICE” (Rest, Ice, Compress & Elevate). Most people know it and have used at some point. The problem is, when RICE was first suggested back in the 70s it wasn’t even based on research (see our previous blog post). Even the […]