The hip is an incredibly strong and stable joint. It has a lovely deep socket for the ball (head of femur) to sit in, and is surrounded by our biggest and most powerful muscles (gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle in the body!).
Considering how important and big the hip joint is, it’s no surprise people can get worried when they have hip pain.
A common misconception is that all hip pain is osteoarthritis (OA). In reality, hip OA is almost certainly felt as groin pain, or on the front of the hip.
Pain felt in the back of the hip or buttock, or on the side of the hip is usually related to the gluteal muscles, and sometimes the low back.
So, if your hip pain is on the side or the back, it is unlikely to be OA.
Whether it is hip OA, gluteal or low back pain, physiotherapy can help you get moving, stay moving, and prevent further problems with your hips!