Whether you are recovering from an injury, have just completed a big event, or have just had a busy day at work, getting a good sleep one of the most crucial elements of recovery!
As physiotherapists, we recognise the pivotal role that sleep plays in the maintenance of your health. So we want to be able to help you achieve the best sleep you possibly can! Here are some tips that you can use to achieve a night of great restorative sleep.
Have a consistent sleep and wake time
This can help your body regulate its natural body clock. Which makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally. So, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. And yes, this means weekends too!
Avoid caffeine 8-10 hrs before bed
Lots of research has been done on this, and its pretty clear. Consuming caffeine in the hours before bed can cause big disruptions to sleep. Even though you might ‘feel fine’ or still ‘feel tired’, your sleep quality will be impacted. Poor sleep quality can leat to you feeling drowsy when you wake up.
Avoid bright lights in the hours before sleep → limit screen time and bright lights
Having exposure to bright lights and screens, can have a big impact on your natural sleep cycle (aka. your circadian rhythm). Try to dim lights around the house in the lead up to bed time. And of course, we all know it, but try to limit screen time before bed too. Give it a go, you might be surprised by the results!
Keep your room cool and dark → optimise sleep environment
Our body temperature actually needs to cooler at night time to ensure a good sleep. Ever noticed its hard to get to sleep on hot nights? This is why. So, do all you can to ensure your sleeping environment is nice and cool.
Avoid alcohol!
Similar to caffeine, alcohol consumption can have big negative impacts on sleep quality. Even though you might feel as though having one or two drinks helps you get to sleep, the quality of sleep will not be good.
Relaxation techniques/Bedtime ritual → meditation, reading, journaling ect. also helps to manage stress
Creating a bed time routine or ritual is another great tool to help get a good nights sleep. Things such as reading, journalling or meditating help us relax and wind down before bed. So instead of staring at a screen, try picking up a book and reading a few pages before lights out.